Oil Change
Tune Up
Engine Repair
Computer Diagnostics
Air Conditioning Services
Brake Repair
Suspension Repair
Oil & Lubrication
Tune Up
Carburetor Rebuild
Fuel Injector Cleaning
Suspension Service
Electrical Systems
Wheels and Tires
If you are in the Livermore area and need roadside assistance, please call us at 925.446.5106 and we will be happy to assist you!
Inspection includes pictures and videos
Cannot be combined with other offers. Must show at time of service.

Repairing or replacing your transmission can be one of the most expensive repairs you may have to make on your vehicle. Maintaining your transmission according to your vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations, not only prolongs its life but it can prevent a costly repair or breakdown in the future. Using the latest technology, we will install a safe and effective cleaner to suspend harmful varnish and sludge from the transmission components.

Improve your vehicle’s handling, increase tire life, and drive with safety by checking your tires every month to insure they are inflated with the right amount of air pressure.

A fan belt is a belt connecting your car's engine to the front mounted accessories. The fan belt rotates the water pump and engine fan, which maintains a cool environment for the engine and its components. Hoses transfer coolant and antifreeze throughout the engine's cooling system (including the radiator). Sooner or later, your vehicle's fan belts and hoses will dry out and crack. When you are ready for a replacement you can count on us for your vehicle's needs.

Your car's suspension system is an intricate network of cooperating components designed to give you a smooth, even, stable ride. Some Signs of Suspension Problems: -Pulling to one side while driving. -Bouncing over bumps or uneven roads -Steering seems to be slipping. -Loose steering -Hard to steer -Steering wheel vibrates while driving at a constant speed -Loud screeching when steering

Don't ignore the "check engine light," bring your vehicle in today. Our auto and motorcycle repair shop features the latest state-of-the-art equipment to provide exact repairs on your vehicle. We have technicians specially trained to tackle any electrical problem.

The battery powers the ignition system, starter motor, and lights of a vehicle. If you need to jump start your vehicle, your battery is failing. When a battery starts deteriorating, it can either be replaced or repaired - this will depend on the severity of damage. We provide a convenient battery testing and replacement service to get you back on the road. Battery replacement, charging, installation, testing, and recycling - we handle it all.

We will provide a comprehensive evaluation of your heating and A/C system to determine what we can do to fix any issues. The evaluation includes: -Examining the internal controls and blower -Checking radiator coolant, operating temperature, hoses, pressure radiator cap, and thermostat -Inspecting the compressor belt -Inspecting system and seals for leaks or other damages -Cooling system pressure test -Verifying the A/C pressure meets manufacturer specification

Wheel alignment consists of adjusting the angles of the wheels so that they are set to the car maker's specification. The purpose of these adjustments is to reduce tire wear, and to ensure that vehicle travel is straight and true (without "pulling" to one side). Alignment angles can also be altered beyond the maker's specifications to obtain a specific handling characteristic.

Brakes are the most important safety device in your car. Inspecting your brakes for wear and damage can protect you and your passengers. Warning Signs: -The brake dashboard light glows amber, indicating problems with the anti-lock brake system (ABS). -The brake dashboard light is red, indicating a system imbalance. -The brake pedal is spongy or slow to respond. -You hear grinding or constant squealing while braking.

Oil is what lubricates a vehicle's engine, allowing it to run smoothly and last longer. Experts recommend changing the oil and oil filter in your vehicle every 3 months or 3,000 miles, which ever is first. It’s an essential way to maximize engine. What We Can Do: -Remove and replace engine oil and filter. -Check the condition of all fluids. -Basic safety inspection. -Start the vehicle and check for leaks in the system.

Things To Know Before Passing Your Smog Test
1. Do not take your vehicle for a smog check if it does not run properly. It will probably fail the smog test and you will lose your inspection fee. Seeking help with your local auto mechanic will save you time and money.
2. Drive your vehicle for at least 20 minutes prior to getting a smog check. This will ensure your vehicle is properly warmed up and running at its optimum level.
3. The use of fuel additives can be very helpful in lowering emission levels and helping your vehicle pass the emissions inspection. Fuel additives are generally poured into a vehicle's gas tank during refueling and is mixed with your vehicle's fuel. The purpose is to clean carbon deposits within your engine's intake and exhaust paths, allowing for both fuel and air to flow freely within its passages, thus lowering emission levels, improving combustion, increasing overall engine performance, and helping you pass the emission test.
4. Make sure your vehicle's tires are properly inflated. During the smog inspection, the technician may need to drive your vehicle on a dynamometer as a part of the smog test process. Making sure your vehicle's tire pressures are correct to allow the vehicle to be driven with greater stability and accuracy during the smog test. This may be the deciding factor between failing or passing the smog test.
5. If your vehicle is close to its next oil change, do it before the smog check. The PCV (positive crank ventilation) system of your vehicle is designed to allow your engine to breath fumes located in oil compartments. The fumes are then burned through the combustion process. Your vehicle may fail the inspection if the oil in your engine is contaminated due to inadequate oil changes.
6. Check computer for vehicle monitors that have been ran. This service requires machinery and is performed free of charge at First Street Smog.
7. Make sure your vehicle's Check Engine Light or Malfunction Indicator Lamp is off. This is an automatic smog failure. A certified auto repair shop can diagnose the check engine light condition and offer you an evaluation and estimate.
8. Make sure your vehicle's battery has not been recently disconnected. If your vehicle recently needed a jump start or battery replacement, we recommend holding off on getting the smog check for at least one week. Whenever a vehicle's computer loses power, such as when it's battery has been disconnected or charge depleted, its internal self-test monitors are erased. Without these required Emission Monitors your vehicle cannot pass the smog test. You will be required to drive between 100-200 miles in a week in order to "complete" the emission monitors and pass the smog check.
9. Avoid rainy weather. If your vehicle is model year 1999 or older, it will be driven on a dynamometer during the smog test. When your car's tires are wet there is greater chance of slipping and losing traction as the smog technician tries to maintain required test speeds while on the dynamometer. This is not to say you can't get a passing emissions test on a rainy day. The smog machine has a "dry tires" mode, which will dry your car's, truck's, SUV's, or van's tires before the test.